Important Dates:
Registration ends March 1, 2025
All logos and bag material must be received by March 1, 2025 at 5PM
All Vendors Agree to Abide by the Vendor Agreement.
Lunch Reservations are now open
Vendor Registration Deadline
Submissions after January 1, 2025 are subject to availability and late fee of $25
Regular Pricing for Sponsorship Levels
$2,500 Platinum Sponsor
Includes front row 8×10 booth with electricity, 2 bag inserts, 1 educational workshop, and:
- Logo placement on all event materials, including posters, brochures, banners, and flyers.
- Featured recognition in all press releases and email marketing campaigns.
- Dedicated post on social media thanking the sponsor.
- Inclusion in the event’s official press kit distributed to media.
$1,000 Gold Sponsor
Includes front row 8×10 booth with electricity, 1 bag insert, 1 educational workshop, and:
- Logo placement on select event materials such as program guides and welcome banners.
- Recognition in select press releases and major email campaigns.
- Social media mentions.
$500 Silver Booth
Includes corner 8×10 booth with electricity, 1 bag insert, and:
- Excellent booth location.
- Logo included in the event program and on the event website.
- Recognition in event-related email communications.
- Social media acknowledgment.
$375 Standard Booth
Includes inline 8×10 booth
$150 Non-Profit Community Space
Includes 8×6 space with one 6′ table and 2 chairs;
Gift Bags – One per Family for the first 250 entries
If you have a booth, adding something to the 250 gift bags is only $25 for each expo.
If you do not have a booth, adding something to the 250 bags is $75 for each expo.
Printed Program
This year we will be printing a program for each bag. Every booth will get a listing in the program. Below are the prices for ads.
1/4 Page = $50
1/2 Page = $125
Full Page = $225
We will also have 9 slots for the stage, 10 minutes for set up, 20 minutes for performance. These will start at 10:30 AM. 3PM will be the last performance. Again, first come first serve.
We are experimenting with a free Bingo card this year, if you have a game for the kids, we will put it on the Bingo card. Kids will get a prize when they fill their Bingo card. Again, it’s free this year, and it’s first come first serve. So get your registration in now so you have options to expand your advertising reach.
We will open the halls for vendors at 9AM and will need to be out of the building by 5PM. The doors will open to the public at 10AM and close at 4PM.
North Expo
Vendor Registration Form